Upgraded this site to .NET 9 (but not the associate function: it seems that .NET 9 cannot be used with functions yet!)
by Patrick Lee on 27 Nov 2024 in categories tech with tags ASP.NET Core Functions .NET 9.0
I upgraded this website to .NET9 at the weekend. That was straightforward, I just had to update Visual Studio 2022 to the latest version and then upgrading the site amounted to just changing the target in its project file. I also tried upgrading the associated function, but it seems (as too often with Microsoft releases) that .NET 9 is not yet really fully available. It doesn't work with functions yet!
Are you ready to improve your actuarial membership experience?
by Patrick Lee on 05 Nov 2024 in categories actuarial with tags actuaries avoidoverregulation competition valueformoney
Are you an IFoA (Institute and Faculty of Actuaries) Fellow or Associate? Are you ready to take the first step to improve your actuarial membership experience? Join the waitlist
A big thank you to all the actuaries who have registered interest so far!
by Patrick Lee on 29 Oct 2024 in categories actuarial with tags actuaries competition education union valueformoney
A big thank you to all the actuaries who registered interest in NewOrg or the Actuaries Student Union yesterday or today. I'm currently collating and analysing results from the answers to the questions, but hope to get in touch with each of you individually later this week. For IFoA Qualified ...
Change is coming for IFoA actuaries: registration is now open for New Org and the (IFoA) Actuaries Student Union
by Patrick Lee on 28 Oct 2024 in categories actuarial with tags actuaries competition education union valueformoney
(This is a follow up to this previous article .) For IFoA qualified actuaries (Fellows and Associates), including those who left the IFoA A new actuarial organisation, with better value for money and less controlling Are you an actuary looking for a new organization that avoids regulatory overreach, values transparency, ...
Has the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries gone too far? Meanwhile NewOrg is being set up
by Patrick Lee on 27 Oct 2024 in categories actuarial with tags actuaries competition education valueformoney
(This is a follow up to this previous article. on LinkedIn and here on this blog.) Is the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) going too far with its regulation of members? There has been a very active public debate here on LinkedIn over the past week see e.g. ...
IFoA - the need for change and the catalyst to deliver it: [NewOrg]
by Patrick Lee on 25 Oct 2024 in categories actuarial with tags actuaries competition education union valueformoney
As IFoA members may know, I am working on a project to improve things by introducing competition into the near monopoly situation that the IFoA has enjoyed for many decades. #actuaries #competition #valueformoney #education #union As some of you already know, I am working on a project to introduce competition ...
Upgraded this site (and associated function) to .NET 8
by Patrick Lee on 13 Oct 2024 in categories tech with tags ASP.NET Core Functions .NET 6.0 .NET 8.0
I have just upgraded this website from .NET 7 to .NET 8, and also the associated Azure function from .NET 6 in-process to .NET 8 isolated. Upgrading an app service (website) from .NET 7 (or 6) to .NET 8 is pretty straightforward and essentially just involves changing the target framework ...
IFoA travel time to Fellowship: no evidence from the sample that actuarial science graduates/masters qualify any quicker
by Patrick Lee on 01 May 2023 in categories actuarial with tags ifoa lifelong learning maths
There is no evidence (at least from this sample of 307 Fellows) that actuarial science graduates or masters students qualify any quicker than students who do other degrees and don't do an actuarial science masters. This is likely to be of concern both to the IFoA and the universities offering such courses. Once again I urge the IFoA to be transparent and publish a detailed study using its full dataset.
The IFoA long qualification process: some evidence that it is slightly longer for women (by about half a year)
by Patrick Lee on 01 May 2023 in categories actuarial with tags ifoa lifelong learning maths
Here are the results split by sex in table form: Distribution of Fellowship Travel Time by Sex and graphically, first via histograms: Histograms of Fellowship travel time by sex and secondly by Box Whisker charts (the blue shaded boxes show the interquartile range, which really ought to be what the ...
Time to qualify as an IFoA actuary: how long it really takes in practice
by Patrick Lee on 01 May 2023 in categories actuarial with tags ifoa lifelong learning maths
A summary of the analysis I carried out on a sample of the 2020 to 2022 new qualifiers (Associates and Fellows) of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. Associate Travel time: median 5.54 years, mean 6.71 years. Fellow Travel time: median 6.63 years, mean 7.42 years.